I live with an Open Heart and a Present Mind, giving my Self entirely in service to manifest My Dreams.
I seek not a career or a particular end goal, but to Be Part Of A Grand Adventure.
I Find Beauty in all things, and in them I find Reflections of my Self.
I do not shun Pain, or suffering. Instead I Embrace The Healer in ME, that part of my Self that can make a Difference To Others.
I contribute to my Community without constraint, and I am Grateful for the Company Of Others and for their gifts to ME.
Whenever I am bestowed Fortune, I endeavor to be able to return the Treasure, for there is always Someone Else who needs it more than I.
I live Honestly, with Integrity, and with a Giving Disposition.
Confidently and Assertively, with a Kind Heart and Generous Self, I seek To Be A spark In The World that will Lift Others Spirits, so That We ALL Share Fully of the bounties of our Remarkable Existence.
(c) 2021 M.E. Sánchez Álamo. All Rights Reserved.