New Futures Summer Youth Group @I Workshop

Tomorrow marks the start of #nfSYG-@I, finding me diving straight into youth digital literacy programs. How do you build an agile program to introduce the next generation to information sharing resources, to build collective intelligence awareness at an early age?

This semi-structured set of discussions in association with is an ongoing experiment on how to empower youth to utilize digital devices. The program is centered on the concept of information as knowledge, and how sharing adds to the value of personal contributions. The main goal is to get the group to appreciate how their individual interests form community networks of actionable information; and, perhaps plant a seed of interest in careers in information management and interaction design. Along the way, they will be provided a narrative of the evolution and present landscape of information sharing and collaboration tools, from which they can derive ideas and methods to produce media and suggest new interaction design features.

Enough said! Let’s get to it… The program plan can be seen in the public New Futures Summer Youth Group @I Workshop Google calendar. Presently, the main question: who are you, and what do you want to do with an information interaction device?

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