Links curated recently on Delicious.
- Microryza | Grow the next generation of ideas
Interesting. Its Kickstarter, but the payback to the crowd is in being a part of the learning experience. Sure, I would be thrilled to stay in the loop of some new product in development; but, I’d be terribly upset if I missed out on a a piece of what could ultimately become a billion dollar discovery.Not sure about the incentive for participation in this space.
- Kickstarter Sets Off $7 Million Stampede for a Watch Not Yet Made –
Kickstarter is the best example to date on how to leverage crowdsourcing in product development collaborations.
- UK Government To Monitor Citizen Communications
This is very scary! Curiously, I have to wonder what their retention policy is on this massive overreach.
- Police Tracking of Cellphones Raises Privacy Fears –
It continues to amaze me how willing law enforcement is to ignore our constitutional protections and make new provisions simply because it saves the organization time, cost and effort. The worse part is that this cavalier approach is being undertaken by the same ones who would swear to live by the code. They will ignorantly keep doing it until someone sues them to desist, unfortunately!
- Jonathan Ive, Apple’s Design Guru, On What Competitors Are Doing Wrong
Let’s not let the kitty out of the bag… wow, so all it takes is to have a mindset to make things BETTER, not DIFFERENT. What a concept! I was expecting a little more about the process itself; but, then again, Apple is a hive of secrecy.
- Arcosanti, an Early Eco-City, Faces the Future –
- Mooresville School District, a Laptop Success Story –
- A Wireless Way Around Data Center Traffic Jams –
Observations on information assurance and b usiness continuity in daily operations.
- social media monitoring by department of homeland security
DHS closely monitoring social media.
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