Links curated recently on Delicious.
- Intergraph Geospatial
Map data. Wicked!
- FCC Commissioner Begs To Differ
How much denial should be accepted from companies that settle FCC investigations of regulatory violations.
- How Apple and Amazon Security Flaws Led to My Epic Hacking | Gadget Lab |
This article touches deeply on who has ultimate responsibility for our information on the cloud: oneself. If one is to utilize a system to simplify one’s life, one should understand the complexities and risks inherent; and, adapt a lifestyle of password and backup management to fit their needs.
This journalist daisy-chained his accounts in such a way as to make it trivial for someone to hop from one of his devices to the next.
Everyone likes to talk about how Apple makes life so simple, while looking the other way on the compromises the company makes in designing their services. They have made a bundle of money using single sign-on (SSO) to make it trivial to jump from one device to the next. I am always wondering why people have to gravitate to so many flavors of devices… the answer lies in how deeply you want to live the technocrat luxe life.
The day will come when so many so-called geniuses can’t get to their tools, information, and personal resources, as the lights go out!
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